Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Above My Pay Grade"

I don't usually like to make negative comments about anyone, especially out in public where it can come back to bite me, but the current presidential campaign has really gotten under my skin.
I watched the recent interviews that Rick Warren hosted with Obama and McCain. I've seen several folks comment in their blogs that they didn't think church was the place to do this. I think this was a great idea - we need to be having this type meetings in all kinds of places, to encourage everyone to participate and understand what we're voting on. I also loved the way it was set up too. No mudslinging, no arguing with each other and trying to come up with snappy answers, just each candidate having to be as open and honest as possible.
So when Obama was asked at what point did he think a baby deserved to have human rights, I was pretty stunned at his answer... most answers he gave were not short and to the point, giving him time to consider how he wanted to answer, and this one was the same way. And "above my pay grade" was the best he could do?
I think I'm going to market a t-shirt with that phrase on it... woe be unto us if we hire someone for the job of president, who thinks life-changing decisions like this are above his pay grade.

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